Real estate made smart and sustainable

Proptech Innovation brings together stakeholders from across the construction and real estate industry to create smarter and more sustainable solutions. We actively work to develop green value chains that foster innovation, reduce the carbon footprint, and increase efficiency throughout the industry. Through collaboration and technology development, we strengthen Norway's position in the green transition and share our solutions with the world.

Upcoming events

Growth Marketing vs. Performance Marketing: Key Differences

If you’ve searched for marketing strategies or follow #MarketingTwitter, there’s no doubt you’ve seen the terms “growth marketing” and “performance marketing” before. If you have, ...
Harmen Porter
Harmen Porter

4 Signs You Need to Create More Long From Content (And How To Do It)

Many marketers improve the performance of their website pages using a method called content optimization. With content optimization, you can identify and adjust messaging over a ...
Chris Baker
Chris Baker

Using HubSpot With WordPress Websites: HubSpot vs. WordPress vs. Both

Many marketers improve the performance of their website pages using a method called content optimization. With content optimization, you can identify and adjust messaging over a ...
Shirline Dungey
Shirline Dungey

Growth Marketing vs. Performance Marketing: Key Differences

If you’ve searched for marketing strategies or follow #MarketingTwitter, there’s no doubt you’ve seen the terms “growth marketing” and “performance marketing” before. If you have, ...
Harmen Porter
Harmen Porter

4 Signs You Need to Create More Long From Content (And How To Do It)

Many marketers improve the performance of their website pages using a method called content optimization. With content optimization, you can identify and adjust messaging over a ...
Chris Baker
Chris Baker

Using HubSpot With WordPress Websites: HubSpot vs. WordPress vs. Both

Many marketers improve the performance of their website pages using a method called content optimization. With content optimization, you can identify and adjust messaging over a ...
Shirline Dungey
Shirline Dungey


De vil få fortgang på energieffektiviseringen

Energipotensialet i de fleste bygg er stort, men mange har fortsatt ikke tatt grep. Det ønsker teknologiselskapet Adaptic å gjøre noe med.
Proptech Innovation
Proptech Innovation

Etablerer samarbeid, etter å ha funnet tonen over en skillingsbolle

Proptech Innovation gir ikke bare inspirasjon og nye ideer, det gir også nye bekjentskaper og muligheter for samarbeid og business.
Proptech Innovation
Proptech Innovation

Proptech-selskapet som binder nabolaget sammen

På bare tre år har nabolagsplattformen Heime, fått nesten 20.000 boliger i porteføljen.
Proptech Innovation
Proptech Innovation

Ny teknologi gjør det enklere å ta brannsikkerheten på alvor

Brann er alle huseieres verste mareritt, men få tar likevel brannsikkerheten på alvor. Ny teknologi gjør det mye enklere å brannsikre bygget ditt.
Proptech Innovation
Proptech Innovation

Innovasjon som både inspirerer og imponerer

Uten nyskaping stanser bygg- og eiendomsbransjen opp. Onsdag 4. oktober fikk seks unge selskaper presentert seg på Proptech Innovations «Show and Tell-arrangement».
Proptech Innovation
Proptech Innovation

Tidenes klassereise - fra bare boss til helt sjef

Boss er ikke hva det en gang var. Fra å være noe man bare måtte bli kvitt, så enkelt og billig som mulig, så er boss nå blitt en viktig ressurs. Avfall har vært gjennom en ...
Proptech Innovation
Proptech Innovation
Praktisk Proptech Podcast
Bærekraftige bygninger Podcast
Proptech Innovation Podcast

Proptech Innovation Conference 2022