Circular Economy

Proptech Innovation is dedicated to promoting the principles of the Circular Economy - an economic system aimed at reducing waste, reusing resources, and regenerating our natural environment. We recognize the crucial role of this approach in achieving sustainability in the real estate and construction industry.

Take a look at our projects below.

Project: Kontiki



The Kontiki project aims to transform the value chain for ventilation ducts into a circular value chain, allowing the transfer of ventilation ducts from one building to another across organizational numbers, while promoting reuse.

Therefore, the project is about redefining the lifecycle, in addition to industry collaboration, innovation, and sustainable change. The project team has gathered stakeholders from the entire value chain; remarkably, competitors have jointly shaped the industry. "Out of sight, out of mind" no longer applies to our ventilation systems.

Do the goals of the Kontiki project inspire you? We invite you to join us on this exciting journey towards creating a circular value chain. For more information on how you can participate, please get in touch with project coordinator Jon Eidset.
Jon Eidset, Tevas

Jon Eidset

Project Contact Person
Sales Leader, Tevas

Project: Donor Building Registry



The Donor Building Registry is an initiative to promote reuse and recycling in construction and real estate. By providing a database of buildings to be demolished or undergoing major renovations, we facilitate the transfer of reusable materials and components between projects.

By participating in this project, you contribute to a circular economy, reduce construction waste, and promote sustainability in our industry. In addition to preserving the environment, this initiative creates new opportunities for cost savings and innovation.

Join us in this significant step towards sustainable construction and real estate practices. For more information, please get in touch with Anita Martinsen.


Julia Skorpen Dahl

Project Contact Person
Senior Manager | Innovation Lead, PwC

Project: Urban Mining

Bergen utsikt

This project based in Bergen is an example of how cities can drive the transition to a circular economy. With its rich architectural heritage, Bergen provides the perfect framework for a sustainable recycling strategy.

The project takes a holistic approach to reusing valuable materials from buildings to be demolished or renovated. By treating the city as a "mine" of valuable resources, our goal is to reduce construction waste, lower carbon emissions, and promote resource efficiency.

Join us in the Urban Mining project and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future for our city and industry. For more information, please get in touch with Sissel Fjellstad.

Sissel Fjellstad square

Sissel Fjellstad

Project Contact Person
Director, PwC

Project: Panteon



The Panteon project aims to explore and promote the reuse of concrete structures. Through interdisciplinary collaboration with researchers, contractors, architects, and legislators, Panteon seeks to explore and address concrete reuse's technical, economic, and legal aspects. This will include case studies, workshops, and field visits to potential reuse projects.

The goal is to develop industry guidelines for reusing concrete structures and stimulate practical implementation by the end of 2024. The results from this project will contribute to reduced CO2 emissions and resource consumption and bring economic benefits to the industry. In the Panteon project, stakeholders from different sectors will be involved to ensure a holistic approach. This includes:

Public authorities: For regulation and support
Engineers: For technical expertise and structural assessment
Architects: For design and sustainable solutions
Builders/Developers: For reuse requirements and ordering expertise

Together, these stakeholders will work to develop industry guidelines and best practices for reusing concrete structures. For more information, please get in touch with Brita Svartveit.
Brita Svartveit, Rambøll

Brita Svartveit

Project Contact Person
Section Leader Sustainable Buildings, Rambøll

Project board

Our Circular Economy Project Board is the driving force behind our initiatives in this essential focus area. This group consists of industry leaders and pioneers who are deeply invested in the principles of sustainability and resource optimization.

The board is responsible for guiding the cluster's efforts towards realizing a circular economy within the real estate and construction industry. They provide strategic direction, oversee the implementation of projects, and ensure our efforts align with our sustainability goals.

Hanne Wetland
Hanne Wetland
Business Developer
BIR Bedrift
Kristian Svela Øglænd
Kristian Svela Øglænd
Group Leader Construction Technology
Rehabilitation and reuse
Henning Bang
Henning Bang
Project Developer
stina oseland
Stina Ellevseth Oseland
Bergen kommune
Bjørnar Gilje
Bjørnar Gilje
Brita Svartveit, Rambøll
Brita Svartveit
Group Leader Building Physics and Sustainable Buildings
Maren Elise Olsen
Maren Elise Olsen
Head of the Reuse Department
Bergen kommune

Building towards sustainability

Be Part of the Change

Your involvement is crucial in the journey toward sustainability. Join our projects, attend our events, or share your unique insights - there are numerous ways to contribute.

Together, we can reshape the real estate and construction industry, promoting a circular economy that benefits all.

Get in touch with us to learn more

Birthe Espeland
CEO, Proptech Innovation
Skjermbilde 2023-07-12 kl
Som medlem i klyngen blir vi i enda bedre stand til å ta smarte valg når det kommer til anvendelse av ny teknologi. Det er nyttig å kunne dele idéer, erfaringer og kompetanse med andre – på den måten kan vi bidra til løfte bransjen og finne løsninger som både er bærekraftige og som faktisk virker.
Ingse Galtung Døsvig
Adm. dir Bara
Skjermbilde 2023-07-12 kl. 10.45.25

Det å samhandle og innovere sammen med andre gjennom kompetansedeling og samarbeid er viktig for Vestbo. På denne måten øker vi sannsynligheten for stadig å forbedre oss. Proptech Innovation gir oss den samhandlingsarenaen vi ønsker!

Jørgen Pedersen
Adm. dir Vestbo BBL
Proptech Innovation samler aktører i en viktig bransje som trenger å bli både «smartere» og grønnere. Connect samler gode gründere, investorer og selskaper som vil gjøre skape grønne vekstvinnere. For Connect er derfor Proptech Innovation en perfekt klynge å samarbeide tett med da vi utfyller hverandre i det vi tilbyr, men har overordnet helt samme mål.
Gøril Selvik
Managing Director, Connect Vest

Gjennom Proptech Innovation får Frydenbø tilgang til et stort nettverk av bedrifter som utvikler ny teknologi for eiendomsbransjen. Jeg gleder meg til å bli bedre kjent med klyngen og medlemmene!

Christine Flataker Johannessen
Konserndirektør, Frydenbø Eiendom
Skjermbilde 2023-09-27 kl. 12.49.09
Eiendomsbransjen står midt i en nødvendig digital transformasjon. Det gir spennende nye muligheter for bærekraftig verdiskaping for BOB.  Gjennom Proptech Innovation får vi anledning til å etablere samarbeid med ulike aktører i bransjen og det gir utallige muligheter for innovasjon som vil komme våre medlemmer og kunder til gode.
Lin Christin Standal Hjelle
Direktør for Eiendomstjenester og Rådgivning, BOB